My partner and I are a perfect match for each other and the love between us is divine.
I am now divinely irresistible to my perfect mate.
I am in a joyous intimate relationship with one who truly loves me.
I am now ready to accept a happy and fulfilling relationship.
I attract miracles into my life now
I enjoy love and sexual pleasure
I feel joyful about being alone with my partner
I truly know my soulmate comes to me effortlessly
Today I choose to feel wanted and 1st best
I connect to the God of my understanding daily
I am truly loved
I understand daily self love creates the best relationship
I am cherished and I feel fulfilled
I know as I love myself more I attract the relationship I want
I trust where things are heading
I feel a deep calm about my desired relationship
My self love is reflected back to me.
I am at ease with this relationship
I am attracting more love and affection.