• My main aim is satisfaction of my customers and I strive my best to achieve that aim.

  • I am doing my best in my career and giving my everything without reservation. The fruits of my labor are always so sweet.

  • Self discipline is my forte. At the workplace, work is my priority and at home, family is my priority.

  • My work ethic ensures that I get regular promotions and monetary incentives.

  • I am a master salesman. My customers love and trust me and my order book is overflowing with orders.

  • I am a born entrepreneur. I recognize and seize opportunities as and when they appear.

  • I am ever enthusiastic and my enthusiasm rubs off on my co-workers and this results in a great work day for all of us.

  • I always attract the best projects and the best people to execute them because of my positive mental attitude.

  • I am happy that the work I do benefits me as well as the Society I live in.

  • I have a great relationship with my colleagues as well as my boss.

  • I am a valued person at my workplace and my voice is always heard respectfully.

  • My job offers me great career prospects, promotional opportunities and monetary compensation.

  • I am able to balance my career with my family life so that both are in harmony with each other.

  • I love my career as it allows me to grow as well as makes me financially abundant.

  • I love my career as it gives me complete job satisfaction.

  • All my thoughts and all my actions are geared toward furthering my career.

  • Practice, Practice … That’s best way to improve ourselves

  • I am enjoying the work that I do.

I AM That I AM

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