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Find Balance with the Wheel of Life

How often do you stop to take a look at every area of your life and evaluate how you feel about each one of them compared to your ideal? In this week’s article, I would like to propose to you a very simple yet powerful practical exercise called the Wheel of Life. This...

Failure is the key to achieve success

How do you feel about failure? What feelings do you associate with failing? Do you feel it’s a negative thing, to avoid at all costs? Or do you embrace and accept failure? How many times do you accept to fail before deciding to give up? We all fail at something in life, it’s inevitable. But what is truly important is how we react to failure and if we use it as an opportunity to grow stronger or as an excuse to give up.

Values and rules: how they impact your relationship

We all live our lives based on a set of values and rules, whether we are aware of them, or not. They guide us in our choices and ultimately in our life. However, there are some rules that we put in place for ourselves, in relation to some of our values, that may make...
The power of visualization for a successful life

The power of visualization for a successful life

Visualization is a powerful tool that can help you reach your goals. Famous people and athletes use visualization exercises to become successful. There are plenty of stories and even studies on how visualization, or guided imagery, can lead to the desired outcome. Find more about it and start implementing it in your life to reach your goals.

Your own self-fulfilling prophecy

Your own self-fulfilling prophecy

There is a socio-psychological phenomenon called self-fulfilling prophecy according to which when we believe in something it will come true. Now, this doesn’t happen by magic but because that belief will lead to certain behaviors that will, in the end, lead to that expectation coming true.

Staying Positive with Daily Affirmations

Staying Positive with Daily Affirmations

  You have probably been using or at least are familiar with positive affirmations. Yet you might, at least at times, doubt their efficiency or even believe they are pointless. You might have questions or doubts. You might have bad days when certain questions...